Why does this sub hate Avatar for a generic storyline whilst praising Marvel and Star Wars films for the same.

Avatar: 9/10 impressive photography, worldbuilding, nice acting, story feels forced in parts.

Star Wars Rogue One: Didn't watch. Rental (maybe)

Star Wars TFA: 8/10 Fun, impassioned storytelling, photography, acting, weak story.

Doctor Strange: Didn't watch. Rental CA Civil War: 5/10 Equal parts fun and bad. Ant-man: 7/10 Fun. Avengers 2: Didn't watch, didn't like Avengers 1 Guardians otG: 9/10 Refreshing storytelling. CA Winter Soldier: 9/10 Topical and well made. Thor 2: Didn't watch, not interested Iron Man 3: Didn't watch, not interested Avengers 1: 0/10 15 minutes in, turned it off. Captain America 1: 2/10 A complete milquetoast affair. Thor 1: 6/10 Fun in parts, drags in parts. Iron Man 2: 5/10 Lazy everything outside of Robbert Downey Jr. Hulk: 6/10 fun in parts, albeit lazy storytelling. Iron Man: 8/10 memorable, solid action.

In my book here are the averages - Avatar 9/10 - Star Wars (new stuff only) 8/10 - Marvel 5.7/10

As you can see, Marvel clearly suffers from putting out more stuff. It remains to be seen if Avatar 2-5(?) can deliver however, Terminator 2 does prove that Cameron is capable of outdoing himself, and he is a smart guy who is passionate them. Star Wars looks to already be suffering from weak storytelling (word of mouth on Rogue One).

/r/movies Thread