[Disco] How are you crazy

I don't know if I'd call it it crazy...but I fall into like super easily to the point that I imagine any scenario we could possibly have together.

Behavior patterns are important to me. If I notice a difference, I latch onto it. We talk every day for a week and then I don't hear from you? Okay. Detach until further notice because obviously something is up. In that, I'm kind of self centered because I've only just recently accepted that not everything is about/because of me. Sometimes I act as if someone has already ghosted me and I get all my feelings out so if they actually ghost me, I'm nonchalant because I already "dealt" with it.

I've been told I'm pretty aggressive to the point that it can be offputting, but I just don't believe in leaving things to assumption when you can just get the answer with a question. It makes some uncomfortable but I have to think of my own sanity first, and getting the answers I need is very important to me not overthinking and overanalyzing as I am prone to do. I'm very in my head.

Basically, I've been carefully crafting ways to protect myself and feelings as much as possible.

/r/OkCupid Thread