The differences between Obama and Sanders matter: There's a lot of punditry that says Bernie Sanders is inheriting President Obama's mantle of change. Obama doesn't agree -- and the reasons matter.

Obama promised an administration free of lobbyists.

True. Don't know enough information about this either.

But the rules of the game have only changed for the worse since he took office.

Right. Obama ruled on Citizens United.

Obama railed endlessly against Hillary Clinton's wall street ties and then abandoned the grass roots campaign style in 2012.

What the hell are you talking about? Obama has ALWAYS ran an effective grassroots campaign.

Obama vehemently criticized the Bush administration for overreaching into the privacy of Americans in the name of terrorism.

He did. Then once he became President he was given "information" that he didn't know. Something happens in the office that made him change his mind.

Obama promised us an exit from the Middle East, or at the very least, a way of conducting war that would not result in countless civilian deaths.

We are out of Iraq and did the best to get us out of Afghanistan. Except once you actually take the office of President you can't just pull troops out of everywhere all at once with no consequences. He could have destabilized the region even further. Also drone strikes, while I'm not a fan, Sanders has said he would continue them.

Obama waged a war on whistleblowers who exposed government corruption and our continuing reckless way of conducting war.

Explain how Obama has recklessly conducted a war? Obama prosecuted people who leaked government secrets, and I am sure Sanders would as well.

Go ahead and attack Obama, see how that works out for the Sanders campaign. The Democrats ran away from him in the midterm elections, look at how well that worked out.

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