Did your partner look the same as how you've pictured in your head?

Met my long distance boyfriend recently for the first time, we have been together for almost 3 years now. Seeing him for the first time felt so unreal, seeing the person I’ve only ever seen through a screen now is right in front of me. Through FaceTime it’s pixilated and the phone distorts the face. Through the phone he was so attractive to me, I had no idea I could find him even more attractive then I already did till I met him. When I met him in person it was like WHOA. He looked so good, even better than seeing him through the phone. I couldn’t ever keep my eyes off him literally, when he was driving I would just stare at him smiling, every second with him I was checking him out. I couldn’t get over how unbelievably attractive he was.

/r/LongDistance Thread