Did you know Long Covid existed prior to having it yourself?

I am sorry, I have to respectfully disagree. I don’t feel like what I have stated is myopic. You speak for the vast majority of people, while not being informed on those who have been affected by vaccine long haul.

I know you mentioned that you know dozens of people who are fine after vaccination. I am happy no one you know has had an adverse reaction, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I do ask you to keep an open mind- because what your saying is classic, “I don’t know anyone who has been affected, so it MUST not be happening”. It’s happening on a larger scale than people realize, and it’s being underreported because physicians don’t recognize or know how to treat it yet.

I am a stay at home mom with very small toddlers. We have been very cautious the entire pandemic, because we have small children among other reasons. I am fairly certain I have never had COVID. I can see one person being asymptomatic, but a whole household being asymptomatic? Not sure about that. I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m being short-sighted, and tbh that comment was unnecessary.

I never said that food intolerances were being experienced by all long haulers. I said “many”, and that this is only one of the many, many things that we are dealing with.

I don’t “act” like the other viable option is to catch COVID and hope for the best. I simply stated more research needs to be done to prevent this sort of thing from happening. There are other options-like maybe narrowing down what may be causing the vaccine to produce this sort of reaction in people, and find a way to remove the risk. Another option would be to find a way too see if certain people have a predisposition to a reaction and then provide an alternate vaccine for them? The list goes on and on. Again, I’ll say this very clearly I’m not anti-vax, so please don’t treat me like I’m flat out saying NO VAX EVER.

I don’t believe that stating that this vaccine causes adverse reactions is disingenuous or nefarious, it’s the truth. Its an inconvenient truth, and it’s a truth many vaccine long haulers are living with. We are expected to suffer in silence because people get defensive and gasp so offended. I feel that if it’s only safe for some people, then maybe it is a good idea to go back to the vaccine drawing board and make it safe for everyone.

I see your defensiveness, sadly I am pretty much desensitized to it at this point. At this point in my journey, I am committed to helping vaccine long haulers in their journey and giving them a voice. We are not anti-vax. We tried to do the right thing, and now we are being shut down as anti-vax and liars. Now we have no help, and are expected to suffer in silence. I still believe in science, and I am extremely hopeful that we will soon have treatment for all forms of long haul.

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