Detroit to remove homeless encampment in Hart Plaza to make way for renovations

And who's to provide? The church? The same church that somewhere down the line is in bed with crony's like Amy Barrett who work around the clock to exploit religion as a power construct? The liberals who benefit from the exploitation of the working class just the same as the conservatives do? Yet mutual aid from a fundamental Marxist lens is somehow seen as authoritarian according to the proxy war patriots who seemingly cannot read? Not that the working class, who's seeing all time high numbers in unemployment, can provide much well for themselves currently let alone others who are further in the hole. Again, I'm not being insensitive here, it's just that the society we're living in isn't setup equitably for all let along most and despite the fact that in some way or another we have to exploit it for our own benefit.. this is Detroit homelessness we're talking about which is largely in part due to the auto industry up and leaving Detroit residents dead in the water when production costs were viewed as inconvenient and moved production elsewhere to further profit with little to no regard as to how that would effect the city's economy and infrastructure, essentially leaving everyone who's income was provided through such an industry bent. Until the corporations who essentially control this country are held accountable for these things homelessness isn't going away nor will they be taken care of in a way that could ever allow full rehabilitation to those affected by it. In the meantime yeah we've got to take advantage of whatever outlets exist to help provide for these folks, but overall the expectation that we can cure this ailment that's an extremity of the society we live in is a fallacy just the same as the notion that if you work hard enough you can be as well off as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, tell me who can tie their boot straps up if they weren't ever born with boots on at all?

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