Dear reddit, do you mind sharing your life story?

My life story huh.. I grew up in Texas with my parents and brother. We made it by financially, but my parents argued incessantly. I don't think they were really in love with eachother past a certain point, or maybe my Mom was, but my father wanted to leave. He always said he only stayed "for the kids". It wasn't uncommon to hear in the morning, during the day, or even late at night my parents screaming obsenities at eachother.

So my brother and I were good friends, we played a lot of video games together, would sleep in eachothers rooms, build forts, but he was a little weird, kind of OCD. We were united in dealing with my Mom's intense freak outs, she was very angry. Probably from how she was raised, she def loved us but took a lot out on us.

I was a pretty fat kid. All through elementary and middle school I wanted to have friends, and was nice to people. They weren't nice to me. Generally people made fun of me, so I retreated into books. I read and studied and eventually learned how to play the upright bass in orchestra. I was pretty good at it.

I went to high school and played in a pretty good group, and since the H.S was a magnate school I got a whole new start with people who didn't know me. I was still the heavy reader, I still played video games, but I was also extremely depressed. Living with the constant fighting and dysfunction was difficult for me. I became something of an existentialist and was heavily interested in philosophy, trying to understand the fundamentals of life, and started expressing myself through writing as well as playing my instrument. I developed a deep bond with a small group of friends, and was heavily involved in the LGBT community. My brother was deployed to Iraq and my family sort of fell apart.

I got into college, and everyone scattered to the 4 winds. My parents divorced and I realized my father was a human being, and my Mom was biopolar. I majored in English, developed a few great friendships, and was heavily involved in theater. I can still play the bass but I don't own my own instrument so I haven't played in a long time.

My senior year in college my brother died and part of me went with him. Ever since this moment things have been kind of fucked up in my world, but I have good friends and people who love me. I didnt have a trajectory after college so I ended up moving back in with my Mom, I moved around and had some menial jobs. My mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and she died about a year ago, I took care of her. I still have some great friends, but I've never been in a relationship with anyone. I'm 27 now. I've also had a chance to travel a bunch, like Ireland, all up and down the West Coast, East Coast, and South of the U.S I'm very lonely, but I still have hope that things will improve. Right now I'm sort of living at a couple of places while I find work and try to figure out the next step.

Pepper all of these things with my sense of loyalty, deep passion for people, love of music, enjoyment of philosophy, and some pretty bad depression and you've got a kind of sort of picture of my life so far. Its not so bad!

/r/CasualConversation Thread