David Suzuki says Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall isn’t taking climate change seriously

Dave is wasting his breath. The narrow minded are in control of gov in sask and we've got little to no sway over anything they do no matter how outrageous. Many people across Canada envy our public owned telco-Sasktel-due to better service fees and service It isn't alot cheaper but still holding strong in comparison. The Wall gang is floating the idea of selling it off to pay debts. Despite the fact it brings in good revenue.They probably just want to ditch unionized workers. They got rid of the Wheat Board which hasn't produced the wealth to farmers as they claimed. They've allowed Sask Power to lose tons of money on a smart meter disaster that alot of failures elsewhere had set precedence of being a bad idea. Fracking here is apparently huge but nothing is ever mentioned about it in the news as to how much capital it brings the province or what is paid for the water used that becomes toxic afterwards, They haven't stopped selling off remaining potash deposits to corporations despite it being something we could hold onto and mine with a crown corporation again probably eliminating debt with that alone. About 8 years ago there was an article about the PotashCorp top CEO in Chicago making 53 million in stock bonuses -oh look ! He will retire with 192 million US minimum -$300 million US maximum in just his shares he has and still collect advisor pay afterwards ! http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/potashcorp-ceo-bill-doyle-to-make-millions-after-retiring-1.2602969 The NDP sold it-the Wall gov. kept selling it and asked for low returns. If the chinese succeed in buying a big deposit here they'll probably get their wish to use mostly a chinese national labour force. It happened in BC mining and it looks like its going to happen here. At least the others hire locals and Canadians alot.

/r/canada Thread Link - leaderpost.com