Daily Advice Thread - February 01, 2023

This is a doozy. I was casually minding my own business when I get a notification that I need to update my carrier-insurance provided iPhone 7's iOS to the 15.7.3 version, bug fixes and whatnot. Knowing my phone was having occasional soft locks and iOS restarts on its own, I approve of the update and let it do its own thing and think it'll be fine. Next thing I know is that I see the screen bug out and blackout. Comes back to life and I see a Apple Restore support page displayed. I go to the page and see what to do, then do the basic attempt at restarting it over and over. Nothing. I attempt to directly update my phone via iTunes. It fails and asks for a restore. I then do a restore and get to putting my ID in to prepare for a reload of my phone. Careless me because I was so busy with my life going to college, work and whatnot, I forgot to back up and update my password, writing it down. I wonder if I can attempt to go to a Apple Store and restore BOTH the phone and my ID, and plan to be better about it. Is it possible I can get it mostly fixed or would I have to start all over again in some way?
TL;DR, Update $75 insurance phone to latest iOS, forget to backup and update info, brick it and lock ID in process of attempting to fix it, can Apple Store/Genius fix it?
Feel free to, oh I don't know, criticize me for being careless.

/r/apple Thread