Couple who terrorized black child's birthday party with Confederate flags sob openly in court after judge sentences them to a combined 33 years in prison

The facts as presented in the article: - Rednecks drive up to a public location - Rednecks shout racial slurs and threaten to kill a family minding their own business - Rednecks brandish firearms

Prison time is deserved. Maybe a few years. Not 15-20.

Somebody said they were pointing the guns at the kids. That makes it significantly worse and I'm more inclined to agree with 10+ years at that point. I'm not even sure if that's true because nobody's linked evidence or a statement confirming that. But that isn't stated in the article which is what my initial comment was based on.

You really hate racists, I get it. I do too, but I guess you win at this apparent racist hater contest. So congratulations.

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