Could someone help me understand how do guys find themselves GFs?

So you say you have been going to pubs and clubs but it hasn't worked out for you. My question would be.. what are you doing there? Are you just hanging out with your friends hoping for something to happen or are you actually walking up to girls and interacting with them?

Also, how do you interact with them? Are you just being friendly or are you also flirting with them, leading the interaction, making compliments etc? How is you vibe? Are you serious or fun and giving off good emotions?

Just talking is great but if you talk with women like they were your buddies and don't flirt then they assume you are not interested in them and then nothing happens.

I have seen this book being recommended on this sub a lot on how to flirt with girls and I have followed the advice for some time and it has helped me - perhaps you could learn from it as well?

Anyways, you should try to tease the girls a bit (not in a mean way but playful), hold eye-contact, not always agreeing with everything but giving a bit of a challenge to them.

Girls like a bit of a challenge (as do guys). It's not saying you should play some mindgames, always be honest but if you give yourself away straight away then it doesn't create that curiosity about you :)

/r/socialskills Thread