Convince me to watch your favourite anime

Have you ever just sat down, and thought

''Boy, I sure wonder if there is an anime about feudal japan where aliens invade Edo & modernised the shit out of the place; with the samurai reading manga & going to idol contests + making lots of poop jokes.’’ If you did, i know this great local therapist.

What about the main protagonist then? A magnificent saint. A vast majority of protagonist pale in comparison of his stunning looks & high wisdom & valorous strength! Yes! He is the man who will catch you when you’re falling, and what you will see is a brimming soul of gold! With his golden hair twisting arou-- ...No .. what? I’m reading off the wrong script? Wait, what? Kintoki? Wasn’t his name Gin-- oh, Kinto-... another char.. yeah, i get it.

A man with a silver perm. A man with a silver soul. Seriously though, it’s the greatest perm you’ve seen. No, the greatest you will see!

Lazy, late 20’s something, nose picking, manga reading, strawberry milk drinking, wooden curry-scented sword wielding, self proclaimed Jack of all Trade, master of no(thing)e. Oh yes, you’ve heard him. The Shiroyasha (Lit. White Demon), the Yorozuya (Lit.House of 10,000 business) leader. That’s right, Mr Odd Jobs; Sakata, Gintoki!

Don't forget your crew! The illustrious, mighty Kagura from the Yato clan.

Then we have the aspiring hero, who is shining, his metal strong nobody can break his will, he possesses great sight as well as a pink alternate self. Yes, it is him, SHINPACHI!

Now, you'll follow the crew & this lazy man as he continues to do what he's always done. Pick his nose and drink strawberry milk while reading man--

Going on adventures through Edo & beyond helping the many inhabitants of it. Gaining new friends with the ultimate goal of becoming the samurai king, with becoming a warlord of the seven seas. , becoming a basketball & football star, gaining a new stand and lots more!

TL:DR Go on dank adventures with silver perm, china girl & glasses as they do dick jokes & make fun of people in modernized 1800's edo where aliens invaded and everything went to shit.

/r/anime Thread