CMV: Using illegal psychedelic drugs is unnatural, disturbing and shameful, and therefore, and I believe that anyone who does use them needs immediate mental help.

I've always been curious about how people who are vehemently strait-edge really think. When I was younger I attempted this lifestyle, however I feel that I was too young (a teenager) to appreciate the appeal of being so called "strait-edge" and I am eager to share perspectives with you so that we may both see each other's sides more clearly.

My whole life I had been curious about hallucinogenic drugs especially the natural ones like mushrooms, lsd, and dmt. I remember anti drug programs like d.a.r.e. in school and I understood how dangerous drugs like heroin can be (I've never done heroin) but they never could give me a good reason or convince me that mushrooms were bad. So I researched mushrooms and psilocybin for years throughout high-school and college before I decided to try them. It turns out they provided the most beautiful, complex, and profound experiences I have ever had in my life and I'm proud to have partaken in the use of such drugs for years as they have been the most inspirational part of my life. I learned so much by taking mushrooms, I took them every weekend for about 4 years, and each time I learned more. I also learned that they aren't a good option for everyone, unfortunately. Some people are too sensitive and can't handle it, or worse, people who are suffering from mental illness such as bipolar disorder or schizotypal or manic disorders may be driven into an episode by taking these drugs or even weed or alcohol, and I do genuinely feel sorry for those that are unable because they are really missing a beautiful part of reality. The experiences I have had with mushrooms in particular have taught me so much about life and empathy and death and pretty much every emotion, I have pushed the limits and taken way too much just to see, and see if did. I've wanted to share these deep and intimate experiences with the people closest to me, but like I said it's difficult and risky to try the first time. Because psilocybin mushrooms aren't toxic in any way it may be tempting but one should always do research on a drug before experimenting, there is a right and wrong way to go about doing drugs and I can see how it's easy to generalize all people who use drugs as bad people, but the truth is more complicated than a strait-edge perspective will see. Anyway, I'm curious to hear your side of the story, I haven't been strait edge for like 10 years (I used to not even say cuss words, lol)

/r/changemyview Thread