Was charged with Public Sexual Indecency in scottsdale AZ. What should I expect

many public defenders carry such a case load that they are lucky if they devote 30 minutes to each case they handle before the hearings, and sometimes even the trial.

The reality is that the vast majority of a criminal defense attorneys don't even require 15 mintues to read the file and talk to the defendant. There simply isn't anything that complicated about, say, a first time DUI where the person is eligible for a Diversion program, or a misdemeanor drug possession charge, or a misdo shoplifting charge. You have to read the file to make sure the case isn't the 1 out of 50 or so that are different, but you get pretty good pretty damn quick at figuring that out. Once you've got that down, and you know how to triage your cases, you can spend more time with the cases that require more time.

Is it enough? Of course not, not always, not in all jurisdictions. Until we fund our public defenders or indigent defense contractors or whatever system you use, though, that's the reality. These are people doing a very difficult job for shit pay and crappy benefits because they believe in it and because they know what valuable experience it is. They get it done, usually, despite the obstacles.

A person needs an attorney, and someone experienced enough to know if the public defender is doing his job for you or not.

Public defenders are fucking attorneys. And believe me, everyone knows when they're not doing their job.

Also, I grew up in AZ. I knew a guy who got this exact charge, and he ended up on several years probation and hefty fines for it. His crime? He was caught peeing in the alley behind a bar after it shut down, not far off Mill Ave, in Tempe.

Ok. And? Is this a commentary on your dislike of public defenders, or on the possible outcome for OP's charge? Because, frankly, that doesn't sound very unusual for that scenario.

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