CDC: U.S. Smoking Rate Drops To Record Low

Everyone moves at their own pace, but this is the vape/smoking endgame. Once you nurse yourself off smoking eventually you will also quit vaping. Some people go to fast, relapse to smoking , feel bad, start vaping again, and make the same mistakes again and restart the cycle. I am speaking as an eliquid maker and store owner. It's a limited life boom, and that is what no one gets. The regulations coming from the FDA to destroy the industry are going to end up will millions of people dying from the toxic tar mix in cigarettes as the most effective system we know of to quit cigarettes will be gone. Left alone in 20 years both the tobacco industry and the vape Industry will exist about a thousand times smaller than they are right now. As tobacco draws folks in, vaping will walk them out.

All that said, I also believe nicotine dangers are GREATLY exaggerated. The truth is doctors have no idea why cigarettes are so bad because no one has any idea what the entire chemical contents of a cigarette are. Once people get away, detox, from cigarettes changing nicotine levels in the eliquid have very little effect on the desire to use it. It's all about retraining. Use your vape to train yourself to not smoke when stressed, lower nic levels in smaller incriminate levels as you go to prevent shock to your system. What I have found in my experience is when people get to about a six nic level in eliquid they can go longer and longer between uses without getting panicked. In fact most people can physically go all day without it, and not feel those cravings until they think about it. It's a mental game.

All that said, I discourage anyone who never smoked to start vaping. I mean, why really? There are some exceptions I find acceptable to my general attitude about it. I have a couple of dozen customers who were referred to me by neurologists to start nicotine treatment for memory loss. Nicotine isn't evil, in fact the reason it is so addictive is because our bodies, specifically our brains use it. Like sugar. It helps your neurotransmitters work. My eliquid is made from medicinal grade pg/vg, very clean and no random oils which can cause that plastic taste or smell. No organics either, synthetic everything is proving safer, or at least better tasting, to vape. I expect tons of hate mail from vapers for writing that, I don't check reddit messages anyway. Anyway, nic is in most plants at some level and we have been eating them for a few million years, we use the nic in our brains to help us think, cigarette companies manipulate that and whatever other addictive chemicals they refuse to tell anyone about to keep you hooked. I fear them getting into the vape world for that reason above all, I also fear that when other juice makers and bottlers figure that out they will manipulate their products to stay in business longer than they should be in business. Unless the FDA kills vaping, which they are trying to do with the grandfather date of their deeming regulations, vaping will die about 3 years after the tobacco industry.

I didn't mean to go on a rant but your post struck a cord, something I have seen and known for about 3 years now. The best way to end cigarette companies is to leave vaping alone. All the bad news that gets reported about people getting sick or blowing up mods is a direct product of the DIY market. Stupid people do stupid things regardless of the tools. If the things involved in vaping were as dangerous as reported by anti-vaping groups thousands of really dumb people would be dead by now. Look at texting, thousands of people hurt by the new technology and life adjusting to it. If vaping, and all if it's components, were as dangerous as they say there would be bodies lined up for miles by now. The math simply does not support opposition to vaping.

And keep this in mind, the FDA is setting an inception date for new regulations in the past. That is unheard of, and sets a dangerous precedent. Congress is sneaky, agencies do not work for the interests of the public, not when billions of corporate dollars are at stake. What if the IRS decides a new tax law needs to be implemented seven years ago, and sends you the bill for it. Or the EPA decides that a lack of congressional specification allows them to institute penalties from a date seven years ago, or the Doe deciding student loan interest rates need to be raised seven years ago and they send you an adjusted bill. Some folks will think I need a tin foil hat, but if you can't see the underhanded methods that the US government uses to operate through the beauracracy you haven't been paying attention for the last 20 years.

Anyway, again, I'm ranting. Congratulations on quitting, keep your gear serviced so if something happens you have an option if some stressor causes you to romance smoking again.

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