My question, how do you guys find your main hero and is it normal for players at my rank not to have a go-to hero to play?
i was a soldier main when i started. wanted to get easy SR etc. once i hit 3k back in season 2. i stopped playing comp. BREEZED through it.
started to play only qp. was more fun. less stressful. it felt weird because i was only 3k SR back then. never attempted to go higher. but the people in my qp games were all 3700+ SR or higher. i ran into more GM/top 500 players than diamonds/master. i felt like i was not in the right place. i picked symmetra to just try and lower my MMR. she was a weak character and instead of just throwing games. i was like il SLOWLY fall back down to where i belong. if you play poorly enough games. you will surely fall back down. MMR is calibrated pretty quickly. there was no initial appeal/attraction. 400-500 games of symmetra only and im still matching against the same top 500/GMs. and a new found love for sym. i just accepted my skill level belonged with these players in qp and that was it.
made a new account. played only sym in competitive. solo queued to GM with a 60%+ win rate.
you'd be surprised as to what hero you will mesh with. i NEVER thought id be a sym 1 trick when i first played this game. just try all heroes. i have NEVER played mercy yet. 500+ hours. maybe im a mercy main. you will never know until you try.