Can I skip Part 1 & 2?

No, that's the thing. I have RARELY ever seen people talk about skipping things like a certain installment in a respected chronological movie series or any perticular season of a tv-shows regardless of genre in another franchse.
Like, I'm not saying it's exclusive to JoJo, but it IS NOT as prevelant in many other specifically famous franchises as it is in JoJo.
My theory is that quite a lot of new fans get into JoJo JUST for the memes and Stands and not at all for the story or general plot interest, and then when they realize JoJo ACTUALLY HAS A PLOT they they cant focus for more than 30 seconds unless there's "road roller da", "ora ora ora", "wryyy muda muda", "STAH FINGAAH" constantly being screamed at them from their screens.

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