Can no longer lie or be deceitful even if I try?

Teaching by Bashar:


You have to let go of the idea that things have to happen in a certain way for you to grow spiritually.

Many people in your metaphysical community have this very strange idea that just because you are becoming more spiritual, that you won't have any challenges anymore.

Just the opposite is the case. You'll have more challenges, because you are more capable of handling them.

Remember, as you expand your consciousness, because there is polarity in creation, you don't become LESS aware of the negative.. you become MORE aware of it. This doesn't mean you have to choose it, but you become more aware of it -as a choice.

But when you refuse to acknowledge that it has a right to be there, then you resist. And as you resist you tighten up, and the energy can't get through you. This way you can't make the choice that you prefer, and there will be fysiological repercussions to that.

So relax, you are doing fine. Relax your expectations and your assumptions about your spiritual journey. You are already spiritual.

Loosen up, lighten up. You will get better at this.


/r/Soulnexus Thread