Can Bernie supporters and Trump supporters find common ground?

You are right, it probably isn't right to say that Trump is "anti-capitalism" But his position on free trade is definitely anti-the kind of capitalism we have now: neoliberalism. To be more precise, I should say that Trump supports a form of mercantilism which is still capitalism but of a much different kind than those in power support.

I would argue the main reason establishment hates Trump is becase of this difference in economic ideology. Like Sanders, Trump directly opposes ideology which is governing the US and much of the world now: neoliberal capitalism (or globalization, what ever you want to call it).

Of course, Sanders and Trump have different visions for the future of our economic system. For Trump the solution to our economic woes is some kind of mercantilistic capitalism, but for Sanders it was social democracy. As far as I can tell, there is really no evidence that either Social democracy or mercantilism works better than what we have now. We have had both systems in the Untied States at different points in history and neither ever fully resolved the class tensions between capitalists and the working class.

So the question I have for you is this: Do you support Trump merely because he, like Sanders and unlike the establishment, is willing to to acknowledge that something is deeply wrong with our current economic system. Or do you actually believe his isolationist/mercantilistic vision will work?

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