Business Insider: 'Games were supposed to be a fun career choice: Now I'm afraid I'll get murdered' article

Did someone read the command from Jessica.

I call myself a Girl-Gamer and girl-game developer. Elizabeth LaPensee, Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian are a cancer to the gaming industry. They either exaggerate the truth to make points or just blankly lie to the public about sexism in gaming. It is true they do get death threats but it is not outside the norms. I was lucky to talk to Scott Cawthon the creator of Five Nights at Freddy's and I asked him if he gets death threats and he gets about 5 a day. I am making a game myself called Locked up Love a RPG dating Sim loosely based off of Orange is the new Black, and I am not going to sleep with game journalist's to get myself a good review like Zoe Quinn did. I am going to work hard on my game and hope it does well if it don't I will remake my game and try to make it better.

Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian are nothing but petty bullies and I mean that I talked to them at Pax East about a year ago and they said they would endorse my game if I would sell out to them. When GTA V came out for the PS3 and 360 they asked me to lie about how anti woman GTA was when my only complaint was that there where no female protagonist's and they wanted me to say the point of the game was killing #$%$ and women who are getting beet by their boyfriends witch is not true at all. Now that I refused to do that I am blacklisted from having any of my games reviewed by kotaku.

The fake feminist movement in gaming is a cancer real journalist's have to look at both sides of this issue and not just Anita Sarkeesian's side they are bullies, and if I was on nightline with Sarkeesian I would have exposed her for the fraud she is, and she couldn't hide behind male patriarchy because I am female myself and I can point out her lies and exaggerations.

it's a little bit wrong on the Zoe-part but WTF. I can't screencap it, but damn :D.

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