Bushcraft roll or whatever.

More experience with... using the words in our English language? I dunno, maybe I do. I'm in my 30s.

I was simply asking how you could explain the versatility of it. Just because you used the word, yknow, I figure you can back that choice up by explaining it. No need to skew it over to knives, everyone here knows that the knife they have can do much more than the cheap folder (aka Only knife pictured by OP) in that roll up..

So you openly admit to just looking to start a semantic argument then? You seem to be the one having the problem with the word versatility, not me. Don't skew it over to knives? You mean don't make a point that proves you wrong? Cutting is just a separate instance of the same action to put it how you put it. If you want to have a semantic argument over the use of a word, don't get it completely wrong. Also don't be a smug cunt about it because it's embarassing when you're wrong.

This whole thread is already beating on the corporate shill aspect of the handful of you, who seem to have to restate and capitalize the manufacturer every time you mention it, and we all know that buzzwords are a corporate shills favorite way of speaking without saying anything...

As for "corporate shill" could you use a better "Neckbeard buzzword alert" word? You're a 30 year old man and you're on the internet wanting to argue about the use of the versatility to just be an asshole. Grow the fuck up. Your argument is again terrible and ridiculous. What about all the people who constantly talk about the brands, Mora, GB, Condor, Duluth, and the 50 other brands this sub talks about? Are they corporate shills too for liking a product or a brand? Oh, it's because they make good gear? Well if you knew anything about Carhartt you'd know they make high quality stuff just as well. Also maybe check my post history before you again make a fool of yourself. You'd quickly see I'm a Marine who pretty much just makes dick jokes in /r/USMC. Again, embarassing.

The next time you want to be a mouth breathing asshole, I've got some tips for you. First off, if you want to start an argument, make sure you're correct and the other person hasn't already posted a counter point that disproves your stance. Secondly, don't accuse someone of being something they're obviously not. You look like an idiot accusing someone of being a "corporate shill" when they have their dick in their comment history. Not to mention just using that phrase really paints a picture of who you are. And lastly, the most important one of all, if you want to be an asshole, make sure the person you want to bully isn't a bigger asshole than yourself or not only on top of all your other problems, it's just going to blow up in your face. Now go be a miserable cunt somewhere else.

A fucking grown ass, 30 year old man trying to fight over the word, "versatile" on the internet. Jesus, get a fucking life dude, and stop being such a dick to people. Is it that hard for you to just be respectful and nice to strangers online? I don't understand what kind of insecurity makes you lash out at strangers with condescension simply for stating they like a product and that a brand makes good stuff, but go stare at yourself in the mirror or something.

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