Boyfriend relapsed

Look. AlAnon is here to HELP partners who CAN'T leave because of any reasons they have It helps partners who are planning to leave but can't just YET. It helps partners who can't leave because they are too afraid to leave kids with an alcoholic. It helps parents who are willing to give life for their addicted kids.

For you, and me, alanon is here to help us understand and make us LEAVE!!!!! Leave him while its easier!!

Dont you see all these posts from married people wishing they could turn the time back! They had faith in alcoholics and it turned ugly!

Sadness you feel now is nothing compared to REGRET you would feel one day wishing you never stayed!

But if you want to, don't have kids. You can make a choice to support addict through his fights, but kids can't. No one deserves an addict as a parents. Plus you will constantly be stressed: where is he, he is 10 minutes late than usual - did he drank? He is w friends - is he drinking? You will be his parent, not partner.

You dont want this kind of life.

/r/AlAnon Thread