Anyone successfully lose fat and build muscle at the same time?

this is an insanely prevalent misnomer. For some reason everyone wants to focus on the exception rather than the rule. In that, if you are a physically fit person and have been at it a while, then no. But that begs the question, why are you asking? How many people asking this question are amateur body builders? How many have close to zero experience? and where is the line? Its pretty far fucking down people! so stop focusing on that element.

The answer is YES. forget about the caveats. Thats probably not you. And you'll find out soon enough if it is.

Like most things in life, there is a lot of nuance involved here that the simple masses don't want to take the time to consider. Number ONE being, its on a sliding scale. Almost EVERYone can build muscle on a 100 calorie deficit, but almost NOone can on a 1000 cal deficit.

Of course you can lose fat and build muscle at the same time. The crazy thing about this, is because someone, somewhere, once heard, "nah bro, can't be done," this MYTH has spread like wildfire. And common sense has flown out the window. I mean, people who blindly believe this... WHY? have your tried it? do you understand the process? What about it makes those two thing mutually exclusive? Heres another good question. If I were to tell you, "dogs cant look up." Would you believe that? Even tho it flys in the face of experience and reality?

I think the 2 main reasons this shit persists is because 1. its HARDER. and 2. its impossible for bodybuilders (not most people). And people like to make excuses and pretend to be experts and pros.

Im just sick of this falsehood and its prevalence here. Oh does this community pride itself on "mythbusting?" no, ya don't. Your intellectually lazy. Look into it. FFS understand the question being asked! TRY IT!

/r/loseit Thread