Anyone sick at the minute?

Yep got it around 3 weeks ago. 24hours of a temp so high I was talking to myself lol, fatigue, sore all over and a cough. The whole thing lasted 3 days of severe discomfort all over and 1 day of the extremely high tempature, however for the past almost 3 weeks now I have phlegm in my nose and throat constantly and very dry cough.

Was worried I had covid, but did a test and was negative, was worried I had bronchitus because of this legacy cough, but nope.

Just a really yucky cold or flu. Several of my friends had it (not even that we had contact, but independently of me and all had the same style of symptoms and its lingered afterwords.).

Bed rest, fluids, nibble some fruit or soup if you feel up to it and feel better.

I think the diagnosis is twofold btw:

  1. Is it might be we are slightly less used to colds/flus so have a little less antibodies to make them seem as 'common'.

  2. We have been so long without a round of cold/flu that mentality we 'feel' its bad, but its actually the same as it always was, we have just forgotten or 'feel' its more severe.

Thats the two theories I read, one around antibodies, one around psychology.

/r/northernireland Thread