Andrew Dominik Blames ‘Blonde’ Backlash on Americans Wanting Marilyn Monroe Portrayed as “Empowered Woman”

The fetus wasn’t actually talking and it was handled gracefully. It wasn’t pro life it was pro choice. You’re pushing your agenda on the film. The point of that scene is to put you in the subjective perspective of Monroe dealing with the trauma of a forced abortion which wasn’t her choice. She wanted the child. That’s pro choice. The decision was taken from her then she was gaslit into believing it was her decision. That scene represents her perceived guilt she put on herself. It’s also important to consider that at the time, abortion was extremely taboo. So it’s more concerned with putting you in the perspective of a woman in the 50s dealing with that. Of course we the viewer with our modern perspective can see how she’s not at fault and she had her choice taken away from her.

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