The AMA of Elijah J Magnier - did a damning answer from Elijah disprove those Assad falsehoods?

Out of curiosity what is your native tongue? We put a call out for translators two months ago, asking for people of ALL languages.

I'll reword that. You strike me as reasonably intelligent. Ignorant is perhaps not the best word, though it does define how you choose not to be informed enough to actually know what you're talking about. Arrogant is perhaps a better word. You're completely dismissive of users who've spent HOURS UPON HOURS pouring over maps, data, social media, and information of all sorts to have informed opinions about things. And when these users confront your viewpoints, you respond with childish retorts about child-killer this and Obama is a puppet that.

Even when the person arguing with you holds an opinion I disagree with (which is fairly often) if they have taken the time to do their research and present a well backed position, only to have you sweep it aside because you think Assad is evil... that is the height of arrogance. What's all the more frustrating, is that I really do think you have the intelligence to be a fantastic contributor, albeit one who holds strong opinions most of us disagree with. And yet you chose to just piss people off by spouting rhetoric and when you get called on it you respond with garbage like "Good, if they're angry, they must be reacting to the truth." No. They're angry because they put hard work into responding to you and you just dismiss it because you think you hold moral highground.

/u/i_love_fsa and /u/raduev hold positions RADICALLY different from me, opinions that make me FURIOUS and often have to step away from the keyboard because things they say upset me. But in between all that, they manage to present cogent arguments (usually) and respond to the points I've made, in turn. I can't ask for anything more from someone I disagree with. The absolute worst person to debate, is one who refuses to actually debate. And that's you.

/r/syriancivilwar Thread