Am I overreacting

Haha im sorry for sending so much stuff. We are young and are each others first real partners so I understand that he isn’t going to be perfect all the time he just hurts my feelings sometimes. He does really care about me I think when I wrote that post I was just angry. After i call him I always get reminded that he actually does care and stuff sorry I know I sound literally CRAZY. Im just thinking about all the kind things he has done for me. I think sometimes he just needs to clear his head and have fun with his friends and once we are together IRL it’ll be much better. He also doesn’t have many friends in school so he probably doesn’t want to lose the ones he has online. I think after tonight he will realize how he makes me feel when he doesn’t talk to me as much. I think he is just so comfortable with me to where he likes to just call and be in each other’s presence. We have been together for 1.5 yrs btw. This whole thing with his friends started happening like a few months ago on and off.

/r/LDR Thread Parent