Am I the only person that hates the hero worship of soldiers?

Let's be real, this thread was never about the UK, it was always about America.

Ya'll are so insecure about the future of the UK & it's possible disintegration, that you needed to distract from it by shitting on America & using it as a foreign boogeyman to united against.

Seriously, use the search bar. This exact same thread has been posted countless times before, and every god damn time it always has hundreds of comments talking about how thankful everybody is that the UK is free from American culture & how shit America is for it.

But news flash fuck nuts, it doesn't matter how we treat our military. Insulting us over that & circlejerking how superior you are to us won't fix your broken nation.

Maybe, instead of constantly shitting on us, ya'll could've saved your country if you took from inspiration from us. Because Constitutionally-guranteed federalization & a U.S. Senate-type body to replace the House of Lords might've gone a long way in saving you from the slow disintegration of the UK which began with the turn of the 20th Century.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent