I am not entirely sure if I have any future anymore in the uk as a Pole

Yeah because no Englishman talks about 'deporting the pakis', nuking Israel or burning the mosques right?

Half of OPs comments were about Saudi Arabia/IS, and to be honest I dont entirely disagree with him. Or are you that naive and dedicated to your agenda you'll start pulling some 'love and peace' crap?

Im fairly sure no one would hire me for my personality but, just like 90% of the rest of the population, I change my personality when at work or for professional gatherings etc.

I do feel there is a cultural divide on the sub, many non-European subscribers don't understand the pub culture which banter came from. The idea isn't to one-up each other with funnier and funnier jokes, the idea is to have a discussion about the game with only a couple of witty jokes thrown in.

Browsing your history Ican make a fair few assumptions about you too. Chelsea supporting, UKIP voting working class man living in Kent? You show obvious distaste for eastern Europeans. Oh you also vape too.


What a bizarre thing to ask.

You want people to judge you for those things too? Or am I being unreasonable?

Stop fueling this xenophobic climate you cunt. People will see your comment and make more assumptions about Poles just because of your agenda.

Go back to hating on Corbyn/the left and shitposting on /r/soccer.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent