Alpha Valentine's Day Gift?

These gift threads always get reposted to /thebluepill, I hope we don't disappoint.


So I've been with this girl for 3 years, lost our virginities to each other, going solid for a year and a half, on/off for a year, but for the last few months after reading TRP I just have this new attraction for her and ready to hop back on the horse.

You have oneitis for this chick because you shot your first load in her and despite being on-again and off-again for reasons, you thought TRP could make you an Alfalpha and keep her around forever instead of cultivating real, valuable relationships with quality women.

So we're hanging out last night/today and I tried to initiate sex a couple times, got denied, took it like a man and just did my own thing. Against my RP teachings I figured I'd give it one last try and so I ran a bath for us and that was fine.

Thought you could trap a cagey bitch in a bathtub, covert contract, butthurt imminent.

We were in the bath and it came up how we haven't had sex in a while, and I basically (totally fucked up here) said that I wouldn't take her to The Keg(fine restaurant) for valentine's day if we didn't have sex for a month(it will be a month sex-less by valentine's day).

Bitch knew you were thirsty and wanted to watch how much you would debase yourself. I'm sure the topic of sex came up totally organically and issuing an ultimatum (which always work and never come from a place of super-attractive powerlessness) seemed like a totally good idea, women love to overtly barter their pussy for a place that is the word "stand" away from being a college dive bar.

She didn't say much at the time but after she left she called me crying that she shouldn't have to have sex with me to go to The Keg etc etc... she said we should take a break.

What she really said...

I can't fucking believe I lost my virginity to a fuck-head that is this goddamn beta. Every reason that off-year is totally coming back to me now.

Jesus OP.

I know I SUPER fucked up here many times,

Ya think!

but I need help with how to move forward.

You have another plate right? RIGHT? Tell her you're taking her out Friday? Surely you know a group of girls that are going out together for V-Day? Go out with them and tee-up an easy bang that night.

I'm assuming dread the fuck out of her until she begs to hangout (which could be valentine's day and we wouldn't have had sex by then). But do I still take her somewhere nice or continue dreading her or?

SHE SAID YOU'RE TAKING A BREAK! NO CONTACT! Build a frame, up your SMV, develop some outcome independence.

Holy Fuck OP. I was looking to add some ellipses to shorten this, but I couldn't take any rail cars out of this train wreck.

You need to quit being an autistic sperg. I understand all the crap people give TRP now. 20 year old thinks he can learn some magic tricks and get girls, thinks askTRP isn't going to give him the response he wants so he goes to the kinder/gentler askMRP where we placate loser schmucks.

So let me rephrase your question OP, then I'll answer it.

What does a 20 year old give his on-again, off-again quasi-g/f, who doesn't live with him, who hasn't fucked him in a month, and who, most recently, said that they should take a break after a particularly spergy evening where he issued a pussy ultimatum for a steak. It would be awesome if the gift would really show her how alpha I am, thanks guys.

NOT A GOD DAMN THING OP. You are done, be awesome, if she gets curious and comes back into your life, then great, plate her. If this information devastates you then do something about it, game, be awesome, be attractive, work on your SMV, get your N>1.

/r/askMRP Thread