(ALL) How do we know what is best for society?

In my opinion the best for society is the capitalism, because everyone can found an enterprise with the help of investors and everyone has a national health care. Most European countries have a free health care which is paid from the tax income of a country. I think that communism is bad, because the people work until they starve and in most of the "communist" countries there was a high chance to die from starvation. The perfect alternativ between communism and capitalism is a social-capitalism which cares about the people and the investors, business owners and entrepreneurs and I think that the tax money from the people should be used for the people's good and not for trash projects. I think that people should pay a general tax which contains health care insurance, tax for the maintenance of the streets, education..... And people should pay a military tax which should be used for the military.

/r/CapitalismVSocialism Thread