Alcuni stranieri parlano della loro esperienze "da expat" in Italia (caution: long... more in comments)

Rant in english incoming:

As an expat in italy :stay the fuck away from expat communities. They are full of bitter losers who think that the country they chosen to live in should adapt to whatever idiotic expectations they had.

Yes, in italy stuff close 2, 3 hours for lunch. Yes, italians are conservative about food. Yes, there is fucking racism here, tell me one place in the world that there isnt? Yes, italians can be loud. Yes, yes, yes, yes IT IS NOT LIKE YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY WHAT DID YOU EXPECTED YOU DUMB ASS?

I am so sick and tired of expat communities whining and whining that things in italy are not like they are back home. Or even worst, people whining that Italy is not what they thought it would be. Its your own fault that you did not researched before asshole.

And this fuckers who say Italy is not 1st world had never being to a fucking 3rd world country in their lives. The fucker complaining that the pharmaceust dont have their list? How old are you, cant you keep track of the pills you are taking yourself and just , idk, TELL YOUR FUCKING DOCTOR? Assuming that he/she didnt asked you in the first place.

In a 3rd world country, dumbass, unless you have money you would just be happy to have a fucking doctor giving you 10 minutes of his time, and thrilled to actually having medicine.

One thing is to complain. Yes, Italy have many problems, and yes, italian culture can be agravating. But accept it and adapt to it. There is a reason why you are here. If you dont like it, just return home or move somewhere else, but stop whining. You are the one who chose to be a part of this society. Acting like you are superior to it only brings you and everyone around you suffering.

/r/italy Thread