AITA For playing the sexism card as a male

Omg thank you so much for your post, you worded it all so much better than I did.

I agree with you heaps! It’s literally just the term “sexism” that I have an issue with. It really does devalue what impact sexism can have people, proven to be mostly women.

The whole thing about saying he has to be a “gentleman” is stupid, the girls are being total dicks. I just don’t think it constitutes the level of sexism that is usually associated with the word.

I think that everyone should be cautious using a strong and important word for issues like this, considering at the moment “sexism” is mostly being used to describe what happens in the #metoo stories, unequal pay, violations of human rights (right to vote, right to work, right to choose your own husband, right to drive, right to not get sentenced to death for being raped, right to not be killed by your own family for not agreeing with their religion), refusal of medical attention/procedures (ie abortions) and medical gaslighting (if anyone is interested in this, I can give you examples all day), gaslighting about assault/abuse and many many more things.

These are such life altering things can that happen to women and to me, calling something like this sexism makes me feel like what I have personally experienced has been devalued, even if they don’t mean to infer it.

Genuinely, if anyone is interested in my own personal stories of what I call or don’t call sexism, I’d be happy to have a nice lovely chat

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent