Why do they act like you’re purposely trying to hurt them when you’re just telling them how they’ve made you feel/hurt you when they’re splitting?

My ex friend wbpd could not handle constructive criticism of any kind. When she was splitting and being unreasonable to those around her, she would ask for help and advice. When it was given to her this made her furious. It was often in the vein of "do you think you would benefit from taking up the therapy you have been offered?" We live in a country with national health care. She didn't have to "pay" upfront for it. The answer was always no and how dare this person think they have a right to tell me to get help!.

If you stand up for yourself it's "wow. Sorry I'm such a monster to deal with". Manipulation and guilt trips are part of the disorder unfortunately. All I could do in the end was walk. The stress wasn't worth it.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread