32y/m. Lost a ton of weight at 23, lost a ton of hair soon after. Haven't really agreed with my appearance since, seems not many people do. Used to be fit until the pandemic, have regressed somehwhat, not happy about it. Almost chronically single, fuels insecurity on top of everything.

I've never stopped exercising at home and you just caught me returning from my run, trying to get back into the habit. The thing is, I just look like a beanpole now where I was formerly so defined, and since being defined didn't help me meet people either, there is this nagging feeling at the back of my skull that maybe it's all a bit useless. That has its root cause in what I consider a grave betrayal from a former friend, who told me that with losing my hair I'd also forfeited 4 points on the 10 point scale (which I learned of then and there), that it was all biology, that I was - the word was "Genmüll" (genetic trash) and "more suited as a provider than a mate", since my own prospective offspring would also carry my flawed genes. Add to that my "unexciting height" of 185cm, which, I'm told, is almost 6ft1 and I should just accept my fate in the genepool. Since she was a person I put a lot of trust in and who showed interest in me when fitness and hair still coincided, I believed in her words and have also made similar experiences with other people. I worked myself down from 120kg to 80kg in just above half a year from March to October 2013 and have been as low as 73kg with a teeny body fat percentage and apparently all muscle, now during the pandemic I fluctuate between 77 and 80kg and of course a lower muscle and higher body fat percentage. I hope it's inderstandable that though it is certainly vain, I place a lot of confidence in my appearance for that reason. Before losing weight, I often heard "If only you were a little slimmer".

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