I [22m] am ugly, my attractive friend [20m] always "steals" the girls I'm interested in. I find myself being angry at him for no reason.

I'm an open and honest guy. And the reason I'm not taking your advice is because instead of listening to the facts that I present you're making up assumptions and claiming that they're the facts. They're not. He's my friend, I tell him he says dumb stuff all the time, that's because he does. I'm very honest and open with people and I don't care if he says dumb stuff sometimes, but this idea that the reason he's getting laid is because of his personality is just false. In fact I've had numerous people tell me I'm easier to talk to and I'm better to talk to than he is, but I've also had numerous people tell me I'm ugly and he's had numerous people tell him he's attractive and he gets laid, so I don't think it's hard to make a connection with what's happening here.

You're acting as if I'm making a choice to be ugly and to be sad about it. I am ugly. I am sad about it. Yes, maybe I could just ignore it, that's what I usually try to do - if I would let it get to me I would sit home, I wouldn't even try to talk to girls, but that's not what happens, is it? I go out, I try to put myself out there, I try to pretend I'm not a massive ugly loser, but when stuff like this happens it's just hard not to feel like a piece of crap.

think deep down you think you're superior to everyone else

Again, why are you making these assumptions? I'm a very humble person IRL, I'm just stating the facts, I am in no way better than anyone else - I'm an ugly, poor loser. My whole post was putting myself down, why are you making these MASSIVE leaps? Stop projecting.

including your sob story with growing up poor

That wasn't a sob story. That wasn't even a story. I just mentioned that I grew up poor because you brought up parents, life etc - I just used it as an example that I already don't let it get me down because that's already my situation. The only thing keeping me back from being happy is my ugliness.

Most everyone's life's hard, deal with it.

I didn't say otherwise or imply that my life was particularly hard. What's wrong with you? Why are you continiously putting words in my mouth, making assumptions and generally acting like a douche here?

Only once you stop being such a douche

How am I a douche? You don't even know me. You're projecting and making stuff up about me.

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