2016 Gosho Aoyama Postcard Translations (Spoilers)

ラムの身長?教えられねぇよ(笑) Rum's height? Can't tell you (laugh)

黒ずくめの組識の NO 3?どうだろう...(笑) The Black Organisation's number 3? I wonder... (laugh)

来年の映画は平次と和葉のラブコメの予定だよん♥ Next year's movie is planned to be Heiji and Kazuha's love comedy ♥

コナンと灰原は親戚じゃないよ〜(笑)。 Conan and Haibara aren't relatives~ (laugh)

エレーナとメアリーが姉妹?…お楽しみに〜〜(笑)。 Elena and Mary, sisters? ...please look forward to it~~ (laugh)

高明は「由衣さん」って呼んでると思う…多分…(笑)。 Taka'aki (or Komei) calls her 'Yui-san', I think... probably... (laugh)

新一と快斗は双子じゃないよ〜〜!(笑) Shinichi and Kaito aren't twins~~! (laugh)

映画、お楽しみに~! Please look forward to the movie~!

ルパンで好きなキャラ?もちろん不二子ちゃーーーん♥ My favourite character in Lupin? Of course, it's Fujiko-cha–––n

受験ガンバーー!今年もヨロシク! Good luck with the entrance exams––! Happy New Year!

あのマークはハンコだよん。コレ That mark is a stamp. This one (arrow)

灰原の変装が、なかなかだったのは偶然かも…(笑)。 The Haibara disguise being pretty good might've been a coincidence... (laugh).

2017年のコナンの映画は超ラブコメの予定だよん(笑) 2017's Conan movie is planned to be a super love comedy (laugh)

「ラム」に注目してね(笑) Do pay attention to 'Rum' (laugh)

平次の恋… お楽しみに~♥ Heiji's romance... please look forward to it~♥

来年の映画の主役は和葉だよん♥(笑) The protagonist of next year's movie is Kazuha ♥ (laugh)


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